· IMPORTANCE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Education is important for every individual in a nation. It plays a vital role to change the stare of a country. No country could bring a revolution in it unless its everybody are educated enough to meet the challenges. Education makes a man realize about himself and his goals and how to achieve that goals · Importance of Technical Education. Technical Education plays a vital role in human resource development of the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life. Technical Education covers courses and programmes in engineering, technology, management, architecture, town planning, pharmacy and applied arts & · Technical education means the practical application of the general principles and methods of Scientific studies to the teaching of some trade, profession or handicraft. The importance such training in a country like Ours is quite obvious. In Pakistan, more than eighty percent of the population is agricultural and another ten percent is blogger.coms: 1
Importance of Technical Education Essay - The College Study
Pakistan has an excess of literary education. So, the need of the hour is of introducing technical education effectively. In this way Pakistan will be on way to progress and prosperity. Technical essay on importance of technical education means the practical application of the general principles and methods of Scientific studies to the teaching of some trade, profession or handicraft. The importance such training in a country like Ours is quite obvious. In Pakistan, more than eighty percent of the population is agricultural and another ten percent is industrial.
So we cannot afford to overemphasize literary education and ignore technical education. In view of the modern age of advancement, it is a fact that an independent Pakistan Cannot keep pace with advanced countries unless we direct our attention to technical instruction, essay on importance of technical education.
We also need to correct the present faulty system of education. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
Email Address. Unfortunately, in our country, we are only taught how to live we do not know how to make a living. We are brought to know and learn literature and history but we lack practical knowledge and training. That is why our student has to face so many problems when he enters the practical world. Such disappointments make them commit suicide or if at all life, live a Wretched life full of cares and worries. If someone fails to earn by the first method that is by working, it is natural that one will certainly adopt begging or stealing.
Therefore, a young man who has failed to seek a job and earn by working must inevitably turn out to be either a beggar or a stealer. The question arises who is responsible essay on importance of technical education this production of beggars and stealers. The answer is wanted of technical instruction in Our School and colleges. So, if we do not want our educational institutions to produce a generation of beggars and stealers but that of the honest upright gentleman then it is essential to teach the boys and girls in some special branch of industry, mechanism, handicraft, trade or a profession.
In this way, at the end of their educational career, essay on importance of technical education, they are able to find employment and earn their living easily and respectfully. Technical education has manifold advantages. Technical education Solves the problem Of unemployment. It supplies industries with a large body of trained workers.
Technical education will pay for the education of our children and make them studious and self-supporting. Pakistan is a poor country. We do not have adequate means to finance studies so technical education shares the financial burden of the parents. Technical education is also subject to some disadvantages. Literary education is quite necessary. Criticizing the excess of technical education, if literary Schools are a training-ground of clerks, the technical Schools would have a large number of children workers.
A true form of education is one that aims at the full and harmonious development of all aspects of human personality. Literary education should also be imparted to follow noble ideals and aspirations of life.
Otherwise, we will be devoid of the consideration of morality and high virtues. He may indulge in bad habits and waste his money, which he earns by virtue of his technical qualifications, essay on importance of technical education. Technical or industrial education means education in the use of different kinds of machines and techniques of the industry. Those who obtain get such education learn the parts or components of machines and the ways of working and repairing them.
They also learn about the production and use of their spare parts. We need industrial education to run our different industries and to expand them. We have the cloth, sugar, iron and other industries. There commodities things are produced that we essay on importance of technical education every day. Technical or industrial knowledge is necessary for us to run these industries. We have to make quick industrial progress. We have to set up new industries manufacturing producing heavy machines like a car, essay on importance of technical education, and airplane engines.
It is possible only if we have highly educated industrial and technical experts. We have to make quick agricultural progress. We can do this if we use machines like tractors, threshers machines which separate the wheat from the chaff and tube-well engines on, our farms. We shall have to set up industries.
We shall need technical experts to work them: So we should provide technical education of the best quality to those who desire to become such experts.
Now we have to raise new dams and maintain the old ones in different parts of the country. For this, technical experts of the highest order are urgently needed. Those students, who pass the matriculation or Intermediate examination, can join industrial or technical institutions. There should be a large number of such institutions all over the country. We should have highly qualified technical experts needed to plan and set up new industries… They are also needed to supervise the work of industrial workers and technicians and to guide them.
We have engineering colleges and universities that provide engineers and technical experts. These engineers and technicians should know the latest industrial techniques and methods. We do have technical or industrial institutions where technicians, foremen workers directing and supervising other workersoverseers, etc.
get educated and trained. We should have more of such institutions. Better facilities for training industrial workers should be made available.
We need first-rate technical education in the country. We cannot progress fast without having properly trained industrial experts, technicians, and workers.
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Essay on Technical Education ,Essay on Importance of Technical Education.
, time: 2:59Essay on Importance of Technical Education . - Words
· IMPORTANCE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Education is important for every individual in a nation. It plays a vital role to change the stare of a country. No country could bring a revolution in it unless its everybody are educated enough to meet the challenges. Education makes a man realize about himself and his goals and how to achieve that goals · Technical education means the practical application of the general principles and methods of Scientific studies to the teaching of some trade, profession or handicraft. The importance such training in a country like Ours is quite obvious. In Pakistan, more than eighty percent of the population is agricultural and another ten percent is blogger.coms: 1 · Technical education is important and relevant to the present age. It is for this reason that the whole world of today is based on the use of science and technology. Therefore, in order to make the world function properly, the imparting of technical education is needed. Moreover, it is also important in multiple other ways
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