Thursday, May 20, 2021

What makes a good teacher essay

What makes a good teacher essay

what makes a good teacher essay

A good teacher is someone who identifies their own personal and professional qualities; as a result students may feel comfortable with the teacher. For this reason the teacher has to develop a healthy rapport with students based on respect and trust. The teacher is a knowledge Essay. Words4 Pages. In my opinion, a good teacher should be one who puts her heart into teaching. This is because only by doing so will the students feel their passion and hard work. When a teacher strives hard for the students, students will put in their effort as well. If a teacher dislikes her job, goes to classes in a bad mood, her teaching would also be affected and May 31,  · Dedication to personal work is also another characteristic of a good teacher. A good teacher shows dedication to their work and this allows him/her to work efficiently. Good teachers are detailed and this ensures that they fully explain concepts to their students. Good leadership is another characteristic of good teachers. Good teachers are good leaders and

Characteristics of Good Teachers |

Most of us have had at least one really great teacher and one really bad one. We know what we like and expect in a teacher and judge them based on that. I have had teachers over the what makes a good teacher essay whom others have not liked. There were also other teachers I thought did a horrible job but other students thought were the best they ever had. Most of what people perceive as a good or bad teacher is usually based on things like personalities and preferred what makes a good teacher essay styles.

The first thing a teacher of the Craft has to have is knowledge of the subject at hand. You can not teach what you do not know. It will become very apparent very quickly that you know not of what you speak if you try. That does not mean that a good teacher needs to know what makes a good teacher essay. They should just be knowledgeable enough to be creditable and for the most part accurate.

A good teacher should be honest, what makes a good teacher essay. A good teacher should be honest enough to admit being incorrect.

Everyone makes mistakes at some point but what makes others trust your words is the ability to admit you were wrong and correct the mistake. A good teacher should be humble, what makes a good teacher essay. Teachers are not Gods. They do impart knowledge not previously known but they are not invincible or infallible.

Being able to admit mistakes, accept constructive criticism and correct errors is all a part of learning and teaching. There is always something more you can learn. Even a different perspective can be a learning experience. A good teacher should respect each student as an individual. Each person is unique. Differences of opinion, attitude, personality, etc should be celebrated. It is a place to enlighten and open the mind. A good teacher should be patient and flexible. Not everyone learns at the same pace or in the same way.

There may be some students who can pick up on an idea or concept very quickly, there are some that need more time and one on one tutoring, and then there are some who may never understand. A good teacher should be tolerant.

Paganism is a very diverse path. Those past experiences shape the way each student thinks about Paganism, magick, religion, and people in general. Being able to do magick is a what makes a good teacher essay powerful thing. It can be real easy to think of yourself as greater than you are because you can do magick and someone else can not. You are, however, still a flesh and blood person and are teaching a flesh and blood person.

You are fallible. You are mortal. A good teacher knows when to let the students go out and practice on their own. At some point everyone needs to take the knowledge that they know and put it to practical use.

But part of learning is making mistakes. A good teacher of the Craft knows when to help and when to back off. There are many ways to get from point A to point B. Just because one way works for the teacher does not mean that that way will work for all the students.

Obviously there are basics that should always be followed. However, the students individuality and imagination to explore should never be squelched just because the teacher thinks one way and the student thinks another e. teacher may incorporate a form of Qabala into the ritual but the student does not feel comfortable doing so.

Neither are wrong, just different personal preferences. Granted, in a coven setting most would like the basics to be the same but even using the same basics there are still many paths to the final destination. That crosses the line. Being a teacher is being in a position of some power and misusing that power is one of the most dangerous and detrimental things a teacher can do to a student. It is wrong and should not be tolerated by anyone. These are just a few things that I think make up a good teacher.

Obviously the traits I have listed can be attributed to all teachers, not just teachers of the Craft. Choosing to teach should not be embarked upon on a whim. It is a serious responsibility to impart knowledge. To do so with talent, style, grace, intelligence, compassion and love should be what each teacher desires and strives for.

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What makes a good teacher?

, time: 2:47

What Makes A Good Teacher? essays

what makes a good teacher essay

A good teacher can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at the same time trying to make learning interesting as well as creative. A positive or negative influence from a teacher early on in life can have a Jun 06,  · Of course,first and foremost,a teacher has to have a deep knowledge that she can give to her blogger.comer patience,empathy,inspiration are also the main factors which a teacher certainly should thanks! Dec 16,  · A good teacher should respect each student as an individual. Each person is unique. Differences of opinion, attitude, personality, etc should be celebrated. The classroom (or where ever the teaching/learning occurs) is not a place to squash the individual. It is a place to enlighten and open the mind. A good teacher should be patient and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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