Essay about The Criminal Justice System. Words4 Pages. The Criminal Justice System. The Criminal Justice System is one of the most important tools available to society for the control of anti-social behavior. The criminal justice system needs to prove a balance between punishing the guilty and protecting the innocent being found guilty; however Essay Sample on the Criminal Justice System. The Criminal Justice System has many components that make up its system. The police, corrections, and the courts all play the role and act together in trying to maintain the most respectable and functional CJS. A system where each uses their own judgments on how to play their role The Criminal Justice System Essay. Words6 Pages. The criminal justice system is composed of three parts – Police, Courts and Corrections – and all three work together to protect an individual’s rights and the rights of society to live without fear of being a victim of crime. According to blogger.com, crime is defined as “an act that is
The Criminal Justice System Essay - Words | Bartleby
Find out if your paper is original. Our plagiarism detection tool will check Wonder how much time you need to deliver your speech or presentation? Don't know how to format the bibliography page in your paper? Use this converter to calculate how many pages a certain number Create a strong thesis statement with our online tool to clearly express The Criminal Justice System has many components that make up its system.
The police, corrections, and the courts all play the role and act together criminal justice system essay trying to maintain the most respectable and functional CJS. A system where each uses their own judgments on how to play their role. The views of each can vary from how they each feel the court system works and the integrity of it.
Many factors can play a role in the way in which these people feel on the actual court system process. Such factors being where they work within the system, if they are judges, cops, lawyers or social service officers can change the way they feel the system works. Factors of where they work geographically and the views and opinions of those areas can also shape the way the person feels about the system.
The Police are the gatekeepers of the CJS. They are the ones who find the people who are violating laws and arrest them based on their discretion and situation of the case. Since, the patrol officers are who start many of the cases that go to court. They are the ones that should be interviewed on whether or not the court system works, the court system has integrity and what would that specific officer do to change the court system.
The first patrol officer that was interviewed was from the Mount Prospect police. Criminal justice system essay felt it did for the criminal justice system essay part, as he felt most Americans did as well, criminal justice system essay. He believed it all mattered on what side you might be on.
He mostly found this question to be elementary and found himself confused, but he concluded it with determining it the best system in the world, criminal justice system essay could use much improvement. The second question given to the officer was if he felt the court system had integrity. He thought that most people within the system do have integrity. However, he has seen situations where it has caused absolute murder towards the system.
He thinks that internal and external pressure on the police, attorneys, criminal justice system essay, judges, etc. But he noted that every other profession has the situation for anything to occur that can hurt their system. When the officer was asked the final question on what he would like to do change the court system he seemed to get excited, criminal justice system essay, as if he had a lot to say.
He first off felt that their should be better monitoring of all the pieces within the system. He felt that from the judges to the police officers they all should be better monitored. He felt last of all that the citizens as a whole, consisting of the police, judges, etc, should not allow the System to be manipulated by the powerful and therefore criminal justice system essay the weak to lose their rights and privileges. The second officer that was interviewed was from Hawthorne Woods and he and their department are located Lake County.
He was younger than the first which figured he might have a different opinion, and the fact that the Counties were different may also play a role. Lake County is more conservative and has far more Republicans than Cook county. Therefore, the Court system in Lake may differ from those of Cook due to the political background and lobbying that may be done in the system. When the officer was asked the first question whether he felt the court system worked, he confidently replied in favor. He believed that for the most part the court system does work.
He felt with the right people and right direction then the court system will work. However, he also noted that just like anything in life there are faults and clinks, criminal justice system essay.
Not everything is perfect, therefore, the system worked with little problems. He concluded the question with saying it was the best game in town. Meaning possibly that he felt that in many games, organizations and such, that there are corruption, cheating, stealing, fraud, etc. Which leads into the second question on he felt if the court system had integrity and he replied again with approval, that it did. He thought most people involved in the court system were people with integrity.
He felt that most people who pursued jobs in the system were ones who have integrity. He felt people looking for corruption look elsewhere in other lines of work. He thinks people in these jobs work towards justice. The officer was then asked his final question on what would he like to do the change the current court system.
He felt much the way he did about the integrity question. He felt that he would want to strive to find people in the system that believe in just, and fairness. The people would have to be able and willing to stick by their convictions. He would like to take these people and promote them to top jobs and replace any of those who did not follow in these feelings. Another aspect to the CJS is the branch of corrections, criminal justice system essay.
This is where people go when they are arrested and criminal justice system essay judge will give out supervision, supervised supervision, and probation. All three mean different and have more serious consequences, but all three mean that you are to be under the watch of a probationary officer. Probationary officers will either meet with the felon on a schedule, or have some kind of contact with them.
They make sure that the criminal justice system essay follows their sentence and can violate them and send back in front of the judge with harsher penalties.
The last interviewee was a probationary officer from Lake County. The officer was also asked the same questions as the first two police officers. When he was asked on if he felt the court system worked, criminal justice system essay, he was unsure. He felt that the court system works when it is able to keep offenders from repeating the crimes they have committed.
He felt that some sentences, or, criminal justice system essay, probation time, counseling hours, etc. That most offenders do not like to have to pay fines and go to court. Tightening around the edges he feels needs to be done to keep offenders from committing more crimes.
When the second question was asked to the officer on whether he felt the system had integrity he responded with a common answer. He felt that some people in the court system could be blinding by bias views. That for the most part the court system is fair. The final question asked to the last interviewee criminal justice system essay what would he like to do to criminal justice system essay the court system.
He responded to this question with more humor than he did any of the others. He first of all thinks that the court system works the best when it is not over crowded. He would like to decrease the flow of traffic through a court house. Each of the officers that were interviewed seemed to be of short answers and not much insight. And that to stick them with these basic questions which could send discussion groups into the morning were hard to tackle at the moment.
The main difference was the atmosphere of that of the probationary officers, office and that of the police stations. The two seemed miles apart, criminal justice system essay, but continue to work together to keep the CJS in flow. Writing Guide. Any type Analytical Essay Argumentative Essay Deductive Essay Expository Essay Response Essay Informative Essay Compare and Contrast Essay Composition Essay Evaluation Essay Cause and Effect Essay Definition Essay Research Essay Classification Essay.
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Essay Sample on the Criminal Justice System. The Criminal Justice System has many components that make up its system. The police, corrections, and the courts all play the role and act together in trying to maintain the most respectable and functional CJS. A system where each uses their own judgments on how to play their role The Criminal Justice System Essay. Words6 Pages. The criminal justice system is composed of three parts – Police, Courts and Corrections – and all three work together to protect an individual’s rights and the rights of society to live without fear of being a victim of crime. According to blogger.com, crime is defined as “an act that is Essay about The Criminal Justice System. Words4 Pages. The Criminal Justice System. The Criminal Justice System is one of the most important tools available to society for the control of anti-social behavior. The criminal justice system needs to prove a balance between punishing the guilty and protecting the innocent being found guilty; however
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