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In principle, education to the citizen is the responsibility of the State since India is a welfare State. It is an integral part of the social sector of the economy. It adds to the efficiency and productivity of human resources leading to sustainable economic blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Indian Education 4 Pages Comparison of Indian Education System Private school v/s Government school Between the academic years of and , the number of private schools grew 35% – from million in to million in –while the number of government schools increased by just 1% · Education System in India: Education is a significant factor in India for its economic development. Since, its independence, India has always focused on improving the literacy rate in our country. The government of India runs many programs to improve Primary and Higher Education in India. The Indian education system has developed over blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins
Long and Short Essay on Indian Education System in English for Children and Students
Indian education system has changed over the time. A major change in our education system came with the essay on education system in india of the country by the Britishers. It was the British Government who introduced modern education in India, as they wanted some educated Indians to assist them in administering the state. Indian education system is mainly divided into four stages — lower primary, upper primary, high school and higher secondary.
Students follow a fixed curriculum up to 10 th standard; though, in higher secondary they get to choose from various streams i. science, essay on education system in india, commerce, etc. Apart from certain textual changes and over time rectifications, nothing much has changed in Indian Education system. The need to reform and restructure our education system has been felt many time.
However, no concrete steps have yet been taken in this direction. Here are Long and Short Essays on Indian Education system in English of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. After going through this Indian Education System Essay you will be well versed with the Indian Education system and its shortcomings. These Essays will help you in your school essay writing competition and also in several debate competitions. Indian education system is quite different from that of the foreign nations.
The curriculum in the western countries is known to be quite light and based on practical knowledge whereas in India the focus is on theoretical knowledge and acquiring marks by hook or essay on education system in india. Students are expected to mug up chapter after chapter and fetch good grades in the class.
The marking system in the Indian schools begins from the primary classes thereby burdening little kids. The competition is growing by the day. Parents want their children to outperform their peers and teachers want their class to do better than the other classes. They are so blinded by the urge of staying ahead of the competition that they do not realize that they are pushing the children in the wrong direction.
At an age when the students should be given the chance to explore their interests and hone their creative side, they are pressurized to follow a set curriculum and slog day and night to get good marks. Instead of making the students understand various concepts of mathematics, physics and other subjects so that they can use them at different stages in their life, the focus is on blindly learning the chapters whether or not the concepts are understood just so that one can get good marks.
Essay on education system in india, the very basis of the Indian education system is inappropriate.
Indian education system is said to be old and mundane. In the times, when the organizations are looking for creative and enthusiastic individuals, the Indian schools train the young minds, to follow a set curriculum and behave as they are told for almost fifteen years of their lives. There is no freedom to provide suggestions or share ideas. There is a serious need to reform the Indian education system which in turn helps in developing smarter individuals.
There is a dire need to think out of the box if we want to make new inventions, bring positive changes in the society and prosper at a personal level. However, unfortunately our schools train us otherwise. They tie us to a set study schedule and keep us so busy with completing the assignments and learning theoretical lessons that there is no room left for creativity.
The Indian education system must be changed to make way for creative thinking. This will help them perform better in different fields as they grow up. The primary focus of the Indian education system is on academics. Here also the focus is not on understanding the concept and enhancing knowledge but only on mugging up the lessons with or without understanding them with the sole aim of attaining good marks.
Even though some schools have extra-curricular activities, there is hardly one class per week for these activities. Education in the Indian schools has just been reduced to gaining theoretical knowledge which is not enough to raise an intelligent and responsible individual. The system must be changed to ensure the all round development of the students.
The people in power must understand that the Indian education system requires serious reforms. The system must change to develop students spiritually, morally, physically as well as mentally. Indian Education System has seen quite a few changes ever since its inception.
It has changed with the changing times and with the changes in the society. However, essay on education system in india, whether these changes and developments are for good or not is still a question. The Indian education system dates back several centuries. From the ancient times, children are being sent to the teachers to learn lessons on different subjects and to add value to their lives and make them skilled to live a self dependent life.
During the ancient times, the gurukuls were set up in various parts of the country. Children went to gurukuls to seek education. They stayed with their guru teacher in their ashram until they completed their education. The students were taught various skills, given lessons in different subjects and were even involved in doing the household chores to ensure their all round development.
As the Britishers colonized India, the Gurukul system began to fade away as the Essay on education system in india set up schools that followed a different education system. The subjects taught in these schools were quite different from that taught in the gurukuls and so was the way the study sessions were conducted.
There was a sudden change in the entire education system of India. The focus shifted from the all round development of the students to the academic performance. This was not a very good change. However, one thing that changed for good during this time was that girls also began to seek education and were enrolled in schools. The education system introduced by the British is still prevalent in India. However, with the advancement in technology many schools have adopted to newer means to impart education to the students.
Educomp smart classes have been introduced in the schools. These classes have brought about a positive change. Unlike the earlier times when the students only learned from the books, they now get to see their lessons on a big wide screen installed in their class rooms.
This makes the learning experience interesting and helps the students grasp better. In addition to it, many extra-curricular activities are also being introduced by the schools for the all round development of the students. However, the marking system still remains as stringent and the students have to focus largely on their academics. So, there has been a major shift in the Indian education system since the ancient times. However, essay on education system in india, we require further reforms in the system for the proper development of the students.
The Indian education system is said to be largely flawed. It does more harm than good to the young minds. However, some people may argue that it gives a good platform to the students as it challenges their mind and focuses on increasing their grasping power, essay on education system in india.
The debate on whether the Indian education system is good or bad is ongoing. While the people in power discuss the good and the bad in the Indian education system and whether there is a need to bring in reforms or not, here is a look at the pros and cons of the same. Focus of the Indian education system is on the theoretical part.
Teachers read out from the book during the classes and explain the concepts verbally. Students are expected to understand essay on education system in india the intricate concepts theoretically. The need to impart practical knowledge is not felt even though it is highly essential.
The focus of the Indian schools is on mugging up the chapters to get good grades. Teachers do not bother if the students have understood the concept or not, all they look at is the marks they have obtained. The focus is only on studies. The schools do not contribute in the all round development of their essay on education system in india. The students are over burdened with studies. They study for long hours essay on education system in india the school and are given a pile of home work to complete at home.
In addition to it, the regular class tests, essay on education system in india, first term examination, weekly examination and mid-term examination puts a lot of pressure on the young minds. Essay on education system in india Indian education system includes a vast curriculum and imparts knowledge on various subjects including maths, environmental science, moral science, social science, English, Hindi and computer science to name a few.
All these subjects form a part of the curriculum from the primary classes itself. So, essay on education system in india, the students gain knowledge about different subjects from an early age. The schools in India are very particular about their timings, time table, ethical code, marking system and study schedule. Students need to follow the rules set by the school else they are punished.
This is a good way to inculcate discipline in the students. Owing to the marking and ranking system in the Indian schools, the students are required to learn their lessons thoroughly. They need to do so in order to fetch good marks and rank higher than their classmates.
They look for different ways to concentrate and grasp better. Those who identify the tools that help them grasp better are able to enhance their grasping power which helps them throughout their lives. Indian education system has been criticized time and again. There is a tremendous need to change this system to ensure proper development of our young generation, essay on education system in india.
Indian education system is one of the oldest education systems around the globe. It is unfortunate that while the education systems of the other nations have undergone major changes with the changing times and technological advancement we are still stuck with the old and mundane system.
Neither has our system seen any major change in the curriculum nor has there been any significant change in the way the education is imparted.
The Indian education system has numerous problems that hinder the proper growth and development of an individual. One of the main problems with the Indian education system is its marking system. The intelligence of the students is judged by the way they perform in a 3 hour theoretical paper rather than by their overall performance in the class. In such a scenario, learning lessons to get good marks becomes the sole aim of the students.
They are not able to think beyond it.
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· short essay on education system in india. essay on education system in india speech. essay writing on education system in india. Posted by The Bharatiya at Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. No comments: Post a comment. Newer Post Older Post Home · Education plays an important role in the development of a country and it forms the basis of an individual’s progress. Lack of proper education has already resulted in poverty and despair in the country and hence it is crucial to improve the education system in India. The education system in India is divided into private and government sector. The latter provides poor quality education Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Education is a co-current state level subjects and under the Indian Constitution education is made a Fundamental Right and Directive Principles of State Policy further needed free education and other facilities to children. There is no discrimination among the people on the basis of religion, caste or creed/faith blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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