Thursday, May 20, 2021

Oliver cromwell hero or villain essay

Oliver cromwell hero or villain essay

oliver cromwell hero or villain essay

 · Oliver Cromwell-Hero or Villain Oliver Cromwell was born on 25th April in Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire. Many historians are still battling for the fact that Cromwell is a hero but some are fighting that he is a villain. Cromwell himself said, “Without me England would have drowned in blood” We don’t know yet. But there are a lot o Was oliver cromwell a hero or a villain essay. Why was Oliver Cromwell executed? Cromwell died on 3 September , aged His death was due to complications relating to a form of malaria, and kidney stone disease. It is thought that his death was quickened by the death of his daughter a month earlier. Cromwell appointed his son, Richard as Oliver Cromwell1 Oliver Cromwell is one of the most controversial personalities in England\'s history. Many scientists have been arguing about him for centuries. Some of them assert that Cromwell was a hypocritical and selfish tyrant, rebelling only for the sake of money and fame, while others argue that he was a real revolutionary and fighter for wellbeing of the English nation

Oliver Cromwell: Hero or Villain? ~ The Imaginative Conservative

Oliver Cromwell: Hero or Villain? Oliver Cromwell was a Puritan MP from Cambridgeshire when Charles I raised his standards in Nottingham, This was the start of the civil war. Cromwell introduced a oliver cromwell hero or villain essay model army to the Parliamentarians which was a superior fighting force that led to the defeat of the Royalists. This influenced people to believe that he were a hero as they were against King Charles I. Cromwell seemed as the only person that would stand up to him.

When the king was executed inthe country became republic and oliver cromwell hero or villain essay army took control. As Cromwell was in charge of the army, he quickly became the most powerful man in England. This makes it hard to find a reliable, non-biased source as many of them are controversial. Oliver Cromwell achieved great things in his lifetime.

Inhe re-organised the army to form the new model army, giving wealth to the soldiers and giving the country a superior fighting force. Order your assignment! This lead to Cromwell been seen as a hero which is why, when the king was executed, he gained control over the army and also a large amount of power over England. This broke the power of the king. Cromwell also went on to win many other battles.

In Cromwell went to battle with Charles II. This was seen as the final conflict in the interminable Civil War. After this the country became republic meaning no monarch reined over England.

Many people joined Cromwell and saw him as a hero. They had grown tired of the monarchy and saw Cromwell as a leader of change. Among many of the changes Cromwell made, one major decision was to last until the present day. Cromwell instigated a shift in power from the monarchy to parliament. Although England remained a republic all through. This is why for the majority of the public Cromwell was a hero. This was the start of the shared power for parliament, allowing a wider pool of people to have an opinion.

This power sharing achieved success with the people, and still exists today, oliver cromwell hero or villain essay, with parliament having much more involvement in creating laws and policy along with the monarchy. Many people certainly saw this, suggesting Cromwell really was a hero. When Cromwell became lord protector over England, it gave him power to control and mould the country in which ever way he required.

Cromwell wanted to pass new laws but parliament repeatedly refused them which angered him. InCromwell had had enough of being told what to do. Cromwell started to introduce new laws across the country; Sunday was to be a day of rest. No-one was to work and fines were given if people were out on the streets unless they were going to church. Also, due to Cromwell being protestant, oliver cromwell hero or villain essay, theatres and playhouses were closed as they were believed to be places of the devil.

Christmas day was even abolished in and it seemed to everyone Cromwell was against any act of merriment. This caused people to see him as a villain.

Cromwell later decided to divide England in to eleven areas, each ruled by a major-general, to try to gain more control over his people, but to them it still seemed as though Cromwell was against entertainment. Many places of dancing and games rapidly disappeared. Cromwell tried to pass new laws about religion but his new parliament questioned him.

Cromwell allowed most people to have religious freedom for the first time since In addition Jews were allowed to live in England. However, as Cromwell was a strong puritan, he later banned all Catholic services which he believed was what God wanted him to do. He took out stained glass windows and lavish decorations from the churches and told the priest all services had to be protestant.

This created a divide in opinions about Cromwell, oliver cromwell hero or villain essay. Although Protestants were glad they had simple churches and English services, Catholics felt he was being a hypocrite for allowing religions like Jewish to be taught, but not Catholism. The statement shows that the many people did not like the changes Cromwell made to religion and the government.

This oliver cromwell hero or villain essay evidence to why many saw him as a Villain at this time. However some still believed that Cromwell could change England for the better, and he was later offered the crown by his people, oliver cromwell hero or villain essay. This meant their was still hope in Cromwell even though he was hated by many. Many people in Ireland supported King Charles I, and parliament was worried that his supporters might launch an attack from Ireland after the execution of the king.

Cromwell used the excuse that Irish rebels had massacred Protestants, women and children, so their punishment was justified. His soldiers massacred many men, women and children also. Here again controversy arose as, although Cromwell oliver cromwell hero or villain essay gaining control over the Irish rebels which saved England from any attacks, he had also killed thousands of innocent people, and they were unsure of whether Cromwell really was a hero or just a murderous villain.

It will prevent and trouble in the future. This explains what we did, oliver cromwell hero or villain essay, which of course makes us both sad and sorry. Some of us believe that a great thing like this can only be done if God is on our side. Overall Cromwell instigated many atrocities by murdering innocent people in the name of God. Loved by many, but also hated by large numbers of the country, he was said to be protecting his beloved England which is why he gave no quarter.

His actions demonstrated to many that their opinion of him as a villain and not a protector were justified. His strong beliefs and his contolling ways gave him power over England although his personnsality influenced controvertial views between the people,of him.

One main belief Cromwell kept through out his life was his passionate belief of God. He believed the Parlimentarians had God on their oliver cromwell hero or villain essay and during the civil war, was convinced they were going to win against the Royalists. When Charles I was executed, Cromwell trusted God in how his life would turn out and felt he had no other choice but to follow in what he thought God wanted.

I could not refuse the power God put into my hands. Also his order and control suggests that Cromwell was then seen as a hero due to the fact he used these strengths to remodel the new model army which in due course, won England many battles. Skip to content Words: order now, oliver cromwell hero or villain essay.

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Oliver Cromwell - Hero or Villain?

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Oliver Cromwell - Hero or Villain Essay: History Worksheet - History

oliver cromwell hero or villain essay

Lots of people thought of Cromwell as a hero because he got the king executed for his bad ways and got the country in a really good, wealthy position. He put things right. Cromwell was a hero.“ We need a person of great honesty and courage to clear the country of evil men making their riches from our poor starving and miserable countrymen Oliver Cromwell1 Oliver Cromwell is one of the most controversial personalities in England\'s history. Many scientists have been arguing about him for centuries. Some of them assert that Cromwell was a hypocritical and selfish tyrant, rebelling only for the sake of money and fame, while others argue that he was a real revolutionary and fighter for wellbeing of the English nation Oliver Cromwell - Hero or villain? - essay example for free Newyorkessays - database with more than college essays for studying 】

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